
Personal care going into the 4th trimester is one of the most crucial parts to adjust to after bringing baby home. 

It is easy to forget about your immediate needs and focus on your baby which is totally understandable (this new life is top priority). This is when prepping for your 4th trimester will be everything. 

Some topics to consider would be:

  1.  Meal Prep- the last thing you will want to do is slave away over the stove top!
    • prepare some crockpot meals
    • pre-cut veggies/fruit for grabbing snacks 
    • bake potatoes and/or sweet potatoes to have on hand
    • arrange friends/family to make meals and schedule drop off
  2. Stock up on paper products to make clean up and meals easy for the first couple weeks- paper towels, plates, utensils, and bowls.
  3. Arrange care for other children or animals for the first couple days after arriving home. This will allow you to focus on your new baby and your personal care before adjusting into the post-baby lifestyle.
  4. Be mindful of having visitors. At this moment in time visitors are to be used for helping; giving you a moment to shower, eat, brush your hair, walk/stretch. You do not want to feel as if you're a host during your first couple weeks- this is YOUR time to adjust to your new life.

These are just a few helpful hints on how to properly set yourself up for success when entering this beautiful season of the 4th trimester. 

Remember that each delivery is different and require different preparations for the home.


Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or concerns regarding your home coming.